As president of SWRFC I would like to sincerely thank all those who supported us in these very difficult times. Rugby like so many other sports has been severely hit by the present pandemic and as we finish 2020 and head into 2021 we still don’t have any idea when our Youths and Seniors will be allowed train again, let alone contemplate playing competitive games.
But we live in hope and with the roll out of a vaccine we know we will be back on the field of play and we as a club will continue to prepare for that day. Behind the scenes both myself and the Executive are working tirelessly to move ahead with the construction of our new ‘state of the art’ gym. This facility when completed will ensure we as a club will have the best facilities for our present players and for those of the future.
To everyone who has contributed towards the building fund so far we are forever in your debt but we need more….much more. If anyone is in a position to support please follow the link to our GoFundMe page where all donations will be great fully accepted.
So for now goodbye to 2020 and I wish all Members & Friends of the ‘Well a Happy & Prosperous New Year…Away the Well!