Your Club Your Gym

GYM update:
As you may be aware the commencement of work on our new GYM had been on hold due to IMART 2020 but circumstances have changed and with the cancellation of IMART 2020 this has allowed us to reschedule these works and we are now in a position to kick start the building of the GYM.

Commencement notice has been served on the City Council and all going well contractors will be on site sometime in May, this is great news for all our players, members and coaches.

Unfortunately as you can understand we’re not in a position to fundraiser or raise cash from the bar at present due to the pandemic and while we have monies set aside to start the project we do envisage hitting problems if things don’t get back to ‘normal’ shortly and because of that we want to put out a call to all members & friends of the Well.

If anyone is in a position to help out financially in any way – sponsorship; donations; loan; etc then please contact Diarmaid Hallissey at or 087 2307567.

Together we will get this project completed – Away the well!Amateur Sports Team

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